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snow snow

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EngTeach | 15:14 Fri 22nd Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
We are finally getting a decent snow storm in NYC. 6-10 inches expected. Normally I would be annoyed, but school was closed this week, so I don't have to worry about getting to and from today. We have not had a significant storm yet.


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Hiya EngTeach, you lucky thing, love the snow, so good when theres snowhere to go enjoy it.
snow annoying

when you have nowhere to go

we have gales and rain the day

ruudy awful it is

how are you eng t

We're getting it too, ET. So far this year we've had 135 cm of the stuff: enough is enough:)
Hello EngTeach honey , there's a real gale blowing here but at 14 degrees it's at least milder. :-) xxxxxx
Hi EngTeach,

Lucky you having snow!!

It is quite mild here in London and a little blustery!!
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We are having fun. Hunkering down inside for the snow. Already shoveled twice.

I will be happy when my sister gets home tonight. She might leave early. Our Mass Transit system is reporting many delays. The accidents on the road are unreal. Unless you are an essential worker (Doc, nurse, police, etc.) where are people going??

You lucky things Eng.Teacher! I envy you, because I love to see snow. Just blowing a gale where I am, and quite warm, to say. Boring. x
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Wish I knew how to download video/pics from digital camera. I took a few shots and video of the dog and my niece having a great time outside.

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