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smudge | 17:22 Fri 25th Apr 2008 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Haven't been on here for what seems ages, but had to share this with you.

I've just been shopping & noticed how some youngsters greet each other these days!

The first said "Oh, f*ckin' ell mate, fancy seeing you here".

The next said "Hello you old c*nt, how ya doin?'".

The next said " Hello mate, ain't seen you for f*ckin' ages".

Am I getting old?


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Oh crikey smudge, makes you cringe doesnt it?

I do know my son doesnt greet his mates like that though, i dontthink they they are all the same thank goodness just makes me sad that this is the grasp of the English language that some kids today have. sad! .

lovely to see you anyway smudge.
isnt that the norm with little chavs these days? Isnt that Chavlish, Chav language!

LOL smudge, i must admit i hate to hear folks swearing it's not nice.

It's sad how society changes and not always for the better.
No you're not. I find it disgusting. I went shopping with my mum last week and I said to her I;m sure I wasnt that bad when I was young and even though we hung about up town till all hours of night we wernt trouble
sorry reading that made me laugh shocked when i here some of the stuff young people say ..
I walked past two grown men yesterday with my little boy and he said to me, "mummy, those men are saying naughty words arent they" they dont care who is within earshot. Not just kids though im afraid.
i said to my mate today god i swear a lot now ...but i would not just swear in front of anyone ...
When standing in the CO-OP after picking my 10 year old son up from school today he was telling me about a football match at school where he had been goalie, he said "some little c**t kicked the ball at my d**k" I was shocked to the core as these are not words he hears at home!!! I had to apologise to all around us for his language and explain that as he has Asperger Syndrome that he had no idea what he was saying. I was mortified!
Hi smudge, I think that youngsters language is atrocious! I overheard kids of about 8 effing and blinding the other day when I was walking our dogs! It seems that bad language has become acceptable, but not to me its not! (I am an old spinster tho!)
I sometimes wonder if in years to come these words will be the norm and no-one will be shocked by them anymore
Some of the single Mums tell the
child to shut the f*** little b******
not suprising they only know swear words
when they go to school ..what a way to
raise the next generation ...I hate it ..swearing ..
gobbing ..and no respect for others feelings
and way of life ...
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Hi all, hope you're all well.

I was wondering whether I should have posted my Q, but am glad I got it off my chest & to find that I'm not on my own.

I realise not all kids are like that, thank goodness, but it does make you wonder what the future holds, regarding respect for others, etc.

I was in town a while ago & I heard this awful woman scream at her young son "Get here now, or I'll give you such a f*ckin' slap". He replied "You can't hit me, you'll go to prison". She replied "Good, at least I'll get some peace from you, you little b*stard". I walked on shaking my head, but she didn't bat an eyelid!

Don't get me wrong, I know kids can drive you to distraction at times, but why do 'some' parents have to shout & share their foul mouths with others out in the street! :o?

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Hi agree with all you say and heard it all myself but I will give you an example.My kids never heard any swearing in house . But I went outside once and there was about 5 or6 of them sitting in a circle saying "f you now it's your turn you f ing b "and each one was saying it in turn.I tell you my 2 kids feet never touched the ground.They were only 4 and 5 at the time .
To be honest, I hear the F word every day where I work.
I really cannot stand the word,I find it really offensive.
So, I manage to plod on with my job and just ignore all the expletive words I hear.It seems to mingle in with modern life chatter these days.F this and F that.
Although,I must admit when I get a bit annoyed at something or other I do tend to swear just a bit,but I never use the F word.I was brought up very well to ignore any expletive words.

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