hey folks..
please help. i cant sleep as my legs feel ALIVE!!!
i reckon i could give Michael Flately a run for his money with a bit of Riverdance!!
how can i stop this???
Try putting some Arnica Gel onto your legs and feet before you go to bed. Don't rub it in as it will be absorbed through the skin and I'm sure you will get instant relief.
I've suffered from this for about 30 years! Although it still happens, I do find it's not so bad if I put a pillow under the mattress by my feet. Also, wearing a surgical elastic stocking helps tremendously (although I don't often do this as it's not very sexy!) Having a heavyish weight on it relieves it so if you have a partner, get him to put his legs across yours and hope you fall asleep before he needs to turn over.
Hi misty p , i have suffered from R L S all my life and nothing has ever worked untill i moved and saw a new doctor who gave me ROPINIROLE , i take two at night and when im going on a long journey or to the pictures as mine play up at any time and can be embarrassing . good luck
Thanks Very Much to you all. Its nice to know I'm not the only one!!
A quick update: touch wood its not been as bad these past few nights. After reading the article forwarded by ice.maiden, I cut out my evening glass of red wine as I think that may have contributed. I will take on board all of your suggestions & wish all other sufferers luck with their own Michael Flatley legs!!