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did you know that you have to....

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stokemaveric | 14:05 Wed 21st Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
have a tv licence to watch tv programmes on a laptop??? just thought id let you know....


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Two chances of that happening on my laptop - fat and none. Can't even get on this site as me on my laptop
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i think it is a rip off.....
you only need the license if you are watching stuff broadcast live, not if you are watching stuff on catchup.

(but why should the method the programs are delivered effect if you should or shouldn't pay the license)
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agree chuck...
So if I watch something on IPlayer after it's been on the telly I'm ok? (I don't have a telly but I like to watch QI and other comedy shows on Iplayer when they've been on telly, seems a bit pointless to get a license for just that though).
You need a licence if you own any piece of equipment capable of receiving a television signal. Thus if you have a VCR but no TV you sill need a licence. As I understand it, when watching catch-up you are not viewing via a direct signal, but from the web.
Yes China,

As long as you are not watching the at the same time as they are being broadcast on TV you do not need a license.
Yay! :c)

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did you know that you have to....

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