just started to watch this on Sky movies. So far so stupidly silly it's funny rather than scary but on my own at the moment. Should I stay with it or does it get really nasty anyone know?
just googled My Name is Khan looks to be a far more intelligent film but that couldn't be hard. I'm not a fan of horror and don't know why I'm watching it so ridiculous, reminds me of another way over the top schlock-horror I saw on Sky called Shutter.
Can't discuss that here. : )
MNIK .. Lovely film about a guy with Asperger's that , because of his religion and his surname, is always looked on and treated with suspicion. So he decides to deliver the message to president. Chuckle moments, sweet moments, happy, great music.
Lead girl in movie is fantastic. Best movie I watched in months.
Director/Star was on J Ross show several weeks ago talking about it.
See it ; )
One of my sidelines (personal use only, you understand)
Anything you need to ask, you can use that thread I just posted to in my favourite category ... radio codes : )
Nope ...
Either I get encouraged to get into a "ruck" : ) so they can remove because of "ungentlemanly behaviour"
or I post the code directly. Only 2 proper reasons they have to remove posts. (Apart from yours, that is)
Nope Prudie.
All Ford CD/Radio I know (I looked after Entertainment at Ford, as well as wiring and transmissions) is either proprietory to that vehicle and worth no more than £30, or DIN sized worth about £10.
All codes are stored on an unlocked database that any employee of any Ford dealership can access at any time. That's why very few Ford head units are nicked now. Just ain't really worth risking pprosecution breaking in for a cheap radio.
Most requests are genuine, from people who change batteries and forget about losing the code, or get them from scrapyards.
Ford ones free on various UK websites. Even HonestJohn's : )