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Whats for dinner tonight?

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NoMercy | 16:27 Wed 03rd Aug 2011 | Food & Drink
29 Answers
I'm having rotisserie chicken and mediterranean salad.


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Spag Bol
chicken salad, too hot to cook!
-- answer removed --
Sainsbury's Basics Fish Fingers and Potato Waffles with pickled onions and cream crackers. Legend.
I am having prawn salad with new pots and french bread!!

Oh and lashing of Aldi chilli mayo!
salad with a veggie grill thingymajig

can't wait til tomorrow, beans on toast with woosta sauce.
probably an apple and a paraguaya.
I went out for lunch - a delicious spread of Turkish meze followed by by baklava so will just be having a light bite tonight.
lemon sole, mixed salad, new potatoes
fruit and yoghurt afterwards

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