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kat1 | 18:15 Thu 22nd Dec 2011 | Shopping & Style
89 Answers
What the heck are they doing in supermarkets at this time of the day & it being one of the busiest days of the year!!!!!! When my mum was alive she did her shopping first thing in the morning as she said it wasn't fair on the workers.


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night night kat- have a good Crimble :-)
Only read the first page of replies, but methinks you are barking up the wrong tree here //kat1//
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No meowing!!
I must admit, "some" of them annoy me too, specially when it's 2 lady pensioners, wearing identical jackets, and pushing identical tartan trollies. Standing at the tills with endless coupons, time they just got a bank card and paid with that.
This thread is one of the best laughs I've had this year. I hope Kat1 was having a laugh. Boo certainly gave me a real laugh. Love her sense of humour.
You think im joking? ;-)
I'm cream crackered .
What isn't clean will have to stay grubby ! It's Christmas .
Off to watch some teevee with stiff drinkie .
Glad you're feeling better Neti ..hope you feel better too Robinia .
Have a nice evening folks ..see you later .
Soreee ..wrong thread ....
Yup Boo I think your joking. Otherwise I would suspend you. lol. Can a mod be suspended, or can only ED do that. Joking

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