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loft insulation

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slinky.kate | 16:00 Fri 20th Jan 2012 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
how long does it take,all boxes etc. have been moved.


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If you already have old insulation laid between the joists then i'd say about an hour as they lay the new insulation across the top of the joists.
I would think it depends on the size of your house. Would take much longer at Buckingham Palace than in a two up two down!! Seriously, in a standard size house, it shouldn't take more than an hour or two.
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Had mine done last year - couple of hours at the very most.
They did our bungalow at the same time as they did the cavity wall insulation so it's hard to tell. I would imagine an 1-2 hours would see an average house done and dusted
I just can't imagine being able to have ours done - there are so many boxes of stuff stored up there. Where would I put everything while they are doing it? Is it just us who have loads of stuff like this? its me - I'm a real hoarder - so sentimental! Hubby says we don't need proper insulation, the junk we have up there well insulates it! We are going to wait 6 years (hopefully!) in order to get it free when we are 70 (with our luck though, they will have stopped this perk by then!) :(
Mr LL put an extra layer of insulation in two years ago and it has made a tremendous amount of difference to the warmth of the house and we use far less energy heating it. I only think it is free if you are over 70 and on benefits or pension credits though. I might be wrong.
We have just had free cavity wall and loft insulation through our energy supplier - British gas. Anyone can have it done, it's not dependent on age, it's not means tested, all you have to do is apply.
We had to take some stuff out of the loft to make room but some boxes were left up there, moved into the middle and stacked.
Well worth doing, we've noticed a huge difference in how warm our house is already.
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after all that palava,they did'nt turn up.
I am sorry to have to be so negative but it does not take 1 to 2 hours. It takes about 1 to 2 days as that is how long it took a friend and I to do ours. We are both quite young but had not done it before, so I am speaking from experience.

Hope this helps.
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johnyboy its only an upper cottage flat,they had only planned it for 1 afternoon.
About three years ago, through the Warm Front Scheme we had a full central heating system fitted, Combi boiler, new pipe work, radiators cavity wall insulation , loft insulation. The whole lot only took three and a half days and the half day was the guys checking and clearing the system The Insulation took no time at all. This was for a fairly large two bed room semi detached bungalow. If I was fit enough to do the job my self I'd expect to be finished doing the loft in a couple of hours

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