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Poor me!

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maggiebee | 00:01 Tue 20th Nov 2012 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Feeling a bit sorry for myself tonight. Went to dentist today expecting to get a filling. However, when the dentist took the old filling out, the shell of the tooth started to crumble so she just had to take the whole thing out. Took a bit of time as apparently the root just didn't want to budge. Doing the diet the world of good as I can't eat until tomorrow. Night all.


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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ. for me next week Maggie......hate it.

Night hope you get some sleep.x
Aww Maggie.. You have my sympathy. I've got the dentist on wednesday to get my bridge back in for the fifth time now! I'm my dentists last appointment before he retires! I'm quite sad :(

Just be careful when you're eating tomorrow not to dislodge the blood clot.

Sweet dreams tonight x
Poor you Maggie, I hate the dentist, as I have a huge fear of choking. Two of my back teeth have crumbled but as they are not painful, I'm putting off going, for the expense as well as the fear! Hope you sleep well x
Aww poor you maggie, I hope you are doped up to the eyeballs with painkillers and I hope you manage to get a good sleep xx
I went a couple of weeks ago, my filling came out and the tooth was a bit broken and jagged I expected it to be taken out but she's built it up. I'm worried it won't last long and it will be hard to take out before long.
Snap! Also went to the dentist and had a tooth out today. I hate the procedure, it seems so barbaric, all that pushing and pulling. I was lucky in one way in that the tooth had been root treated in the past time and the root had broken into four pieces, saving the dentist the job of doing it. I've been managing to eat soft things on the other side though, but no hot food or drinks.
Hope you feel better tomorrow.
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Damn, you reminded me I am overdue for a check up.

I hate going there, especially because the one I trust went and retired.
How inconsiderate.
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Awww you have my sympathy. Been there myself, its so sad to have to lose a tooth. Take a couple of paracetamol and hope you sleep well.
Have 'em all out, no more worries or dentist bills.

I just go now every 6 months for a mouth-cancer check.

:) Jem

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Poor me!

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