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Is There Anyone There?

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wendilla | 12:20 Fri 21st Dec 2012 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
Is there?


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Yes, I am here.
Just chekin' me bit's...yup I iz ere.
Im not here!! Did it happen!!!!!
Question Author
Merry Xmas BOO
Yep, still here, but there's a kind of hush..........
I'm not all there.
Mainly, but not all.
you too Wendilla, hope you and yours have a good one x
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Merry Xmas everyone.
I think therefore I am
Still here wendilla but off on my hols tomorrow. Have a lovely Christmas.
Actually the thing that happened at 11.15 was the winter solstice.

Apparently, and I am quoting this mornings news here, the actual end of the calendar thingy is due tonight at abotu 9.05pm. so enjoy today!!!
Question Author
Not that I believed it but on tv am stated 11 11 am.
Yep, still here, suppose I better pay for the new boiler I had fitted yesterday then. :-(
OK just guessed at the actual time :-)

so just to be sure, look out from anywhere between 8.45pm and 9.15pm LOL
Just kinda hedging your bets eh?
Happy Christmas!

Going to do my Christmas shopping now, didn't want to waste the effort earier, just in case.
so i'll miss qi on the telly then
Question Author
Hi Maggibee are you off to the sunshine.
BIG waves from me to you all " I'm still here " Happy Christmas !!

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