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Garden Fence

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giveup | 15:36 Mon 28th Jan 2013 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
Just had a quote for a new garden fence.Phew !!!.Practically need a mortgage.


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open plan is all the rage.
Are you fit and healthy?
not a lot to fencing if you can dig a hole.
I planted hedges....................
What randomly, round York?
Obviously one outside the Minster is quite spectacular.
Managed to get hold of a load of used pallets (free) so that's what my fence is made of. Just had to buy a few posts and use a bid of elbow grease and sweat.
I'm just wondering how many of the male ABers are now on google earth looking at York Minster for Craft's bush.....
Pallets, grease and sweat?

For Funks Sake has it not fallen over?
we went for black railings in the end for front garden looks great and cheaper than a wall or fencing
It's outside the south door BM and is much admired.
After my earlier escapades with garden fencing I realised bushes was the way forward.
Mick, you never disappoint. I was waiting for you to ask why Maggie didn't use screws or nails instead :-D
Indeed not MT. My fence has now been up for 11 years. Gets a lick of paint every year and looks like it will see me out.
And they didn't need google earth.
Nice one alba, used nails - wiped with my elbow grease and sweat first of course so they would go in more easily!
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My hole digging days are past I'm afraid. It's got to be done but I was surprised how much it was. A skip to take the rubbish is £150 (the last one I had was about £50.)
used nails? what was wrong with new ones?

Sorry, that Mick is a bad influence :-D that the best you can do for a skip? I had a fair sized one last year for £70.

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