What reasons could there be for being so tired all the time? For example Thursday night I fell asleep at 7.30 and got up at 6am friday ( as normal) for work. Fairly quiet day, then was nodding off by 10 last night until 8am today. I could have slept longer if I'd let myself (or the cat let me). I know I'll end up having a kip at some point this avo and be in bed by 10/10.30 again tonight.
I've recently been tested for thyroid and had full blood count so I know I'm not anaemic. (All tests satisfactory). Doc believes I have DUB but would that be the cause of the tiredness alone?
Pill wise, I know when I was on Dianette I had pretty much daily migraines. I have the implant which has been fine (wanted the injection but they don't like giving it to over 30s now apparently - just as well she mentioned it as it only came to light she had another patient's records up and said it was fine as I'm only 24, I'm 34!!!).
How is your lifestyle generally, diet, exercise, caffeine intake, stress level etc...