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Fog !!!

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joggerjayne | 18:44 Wed 04th Sep 2013 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
Where the **** did this come from?

The sea front is enveloped in fog !!!

Is it just us?


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Bit hazy here, but no fog.
there's certainly none around teh swimming pool next door to me, so it must be just you.

Will the wreckers be driving ships ashore on the pebbles?
Haar, haar . And it's supposed to be part of the English Riviera down there.
Games like Tag can be fun in fog, JJ....;-)
true, sandyRoe.

Long John, what is that greyness all round?

A haar, Jim lad.
No JJ; it's just you. I sort of suggested that you moderate your input of pastis.
In this country, at this time of year, that`s a sign of good weather being around.
a sign of good weather being around.

Only you're not allowed to see it.
Sea fret, jj
Well it's making jj fret, Psybbo.
Tony :-)
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Okay, just a sea fret. Not a proper fog.
Is it still there, jj ?.
We woke to fog this morning but it cleared quickly and hasn't come back as yet.
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Yeah, a bit. We've just had quite a pretty sunset.
Last night rolled up from the sea.
Lunchtime today on the sea front 50 yards from the pier you could not see the pier never mind the end of it.
Glorious afternoon.
Hi Daisy, a bit misty here this morning but that soon burned off, and a lovely sunny day after.
Hi Tony, am making the most of the weather with my special gardening.
Sit in the sun and read, occasionally lifting my eyes from book to garden to decide where to weed. Tomorrow.
Now thats what I call being a keen gardener is all about, Daisy ;-)

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Fog !!!

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