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The Mps Just Don't Get It!!

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saintpeter48 | 10:16 Wed 09th Apr 2014 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
What are your feelings on this? It seems that the MPs just don't get it when it comes to expenses, Peter Bottomley has just been on the radio defending Miller, saying that she hasn't done anything wrong and that its a witch hunt, good lord man, can't you see what Joe Public sees!!!
Thoughts please!


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I wonder how far I will get with HMRC if I try some of this to explain omissions or miscalculations on my tax return?
I signed the Miller must go petition that is doing the rounds at the moment.
They just don't want to see it saintpeter it would be far too costly for them all to admit.
Oh come on folks! Don't you know that MPs are above the law? Laws are only for us plebs. Remember years ago a young man getting 21 days' detention for stealing a bottle of milk off a doorstep. I don't condone theft but he was living rough and was hungry. So what's Miller's excuse?
I think they get far too much of it!
If Bottomley agrees with what she has done then he's as bad as she is, if he doesn't understand what she has done is wrong then he is stupid. Either way he is not fit to be an MP and should now resign.
I still think the cross-party committee Chaired by a Labour MP (I mention this just to show it's a cross-party issue) have got away lightly in terms of not being asked to resign over/ apologise for/explain their decision to slash the amount she needed to repay
exactly, factor-fiction, it just shows how corrupt the MP's are.

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