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Dear Ed, May I suggest you remove the Sexual Fantasy Dream's on B+S? Both mine and prospector's suggestion's that were suppported by fellow AB'r were removed so why not the sex chat? They blatently...
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i,m going to self terminate my account and come back with a new I.D. R.I.P. adar
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I am very confused, its seems here that Whiffey has answered a question intended for true-russian! A mistake? Or something more sinister at work? Someone explain please!!...
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my spelling has never stopped me doing well in life and as,i look for a question that you have offerd up to this ,site supprise i couldent find any you proberly just stork people in life and have a...
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i keep getting sexual fantasies, how can i stop them, anyone with any experiance
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adar is this where Gary stole it from? i'm pretty sure he did
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Am I alone in thinking (sometimes hoping) that when an animal is captured and subsequently eaten on nature shows by a predatory animal, the attacked creature should fight back a little more? Whilst I...
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Anyone wrapping their Christmas gifts tonight? I've just ran out of sticky tape!
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Why does light travel so fast and why can nothing match it's speed
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Do you have this thing that wants to ask/tel someone (my beloved) the truth even if you know you shouldn't..... just yet. And when you know it shouldn't be talked about (it's a big secret - something...
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Please help. I have been picking up synchronized vibrations in my left foot for about 3 days. This is ongoing and is still there even when I wake up. I get them in 4 second increments and will...
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How do you catch a haggis? Are tehy quick? What do they look like? Do I Need to set a trap can i keep them as pets are they good to eat can I bred them, can i catch them are they friendy.will they eat...
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Does anyone else find this AB editor's poll question quite offensive? What is the definition of a middle aged mother anyway - are we being asked to determine the acceptable age of a mother as being -...
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Do you only reply to certain people? I asked why my question was banned- 2 of them ... They werent offensive or libelelous : )
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What should be done to the failed asylum seekers that have rioted at Harmonsworth, Britain's largest Immigration detension centre? Should they be made to live in the conditions they have now made for...
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I love the new formatting of the website which allows easyer copying and pasting of the info without selecting all the adversts and things too. Nice Job Ed. Matty
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would this be possible if it was felt that the problem the hypnotherapy would treat is what is preventing the person from recovering from depression and mania? many thanks to all who reply
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I am running a home network with 1 pc connecting to the internet and another using the first as a gateway - i've been running Norton Internet Security 2005 and alls been well - the subscription ran...
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Given only one custard pie each, who would you most like to throw it at?
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bloody annoying when the American sites deny access

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