My granddaughter has not lived with her dad, and has very little contact with him. On her birth certificate she has her mums maiden name, her father is named on the certificate. She is 7 and mum has...
The Chase today. He had £4000, they all urged him to take it. He took £400. She took minus £1000. I can't stand these losers. Neither answered in the final chase leaving it to the first person who...
'The Magdalene Sisters', BBC2 11:50 pm. Whilst it is not based on a singke true story, it is said to accurately portray events which were commonplace in such institutions. For those who haven't seen...
Hi. On my computer I have malwarebytes free version and also Kaspersky Pure which I pay a yearly subscription for and it is due next month and the price goes up each year. I have had very few problems...
I had a cold call this morning, which I ignored as I didn't recognise the number on the caller display. A recorded message was left, which I deleted. When I rang 1471, the recorded message said number...
Watched this for the first time this evening, but found it very disappointing. Good actor as James Norton is, his heart didn't seem to be in it, and it didn't convince me or draw me in. One of the... Not only Chris Evans and Matt LeBlanc, but Sabine Schmitz, the Queen of the Nurburgring. Plus former F1 team owner Eddie...
Another classic example...Amazing how we always come up with tons of tosh at the click of a finger to chuck overseas..and thats on top of the billions we already throw away to foreign leaders, sorry... Douglas Murray has said (Andrew Niel's Thu. Newsweek) that the question may not be will the UK leave the EU, but what... If you have been together a long time and have children why not just get married? It doesn't have to be a big fancy do. Just nip down to the registry office...
Up the fines? Nah, instant ban, then jail in my opinion, phoning and texting whilst driving is at least as dangerous as DD....