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Hi, I have just been diagnoised with a meningoma brain tumour. I am currently starting to go through the proceedure to have an operation to remove it. Does anyone have any advice or is there anyone...
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A question for the ladies or doctors. I am extremely sore down below, infact its swollen, and sore when I pee, and is itchy occassionally. Its not thrush, as there is no discharge, and I have taken...
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any tips for cystitis? used to get it quiet a lot a few years ago and had a lot of tests and everything was normal. its now back been the docs and theres no bacteria so dont need antobiotics. im...
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Help! I have really sore ulcers mostly on my tongue and some inside mouth, they are so painful. As soon as I get rid of them I get a whole load of new ones. Bonjela helps for a while but not long and...

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