i am very disillusioned with my current job. however the chance of voluntary redundancy has been offered to me. its a very good offer which would allow me to pay of all my debts (except mortgage) and...
I'm not sure if this is the right place to put this question, but here goes. I run a small business & have been approached by the daughter of a regular customer about doing school work experience with...
Why is it that at 11.30pm every night, my shower let's go of a few dribbles of water, when the shower has not been used in the previous few hours and not since the morning?? EVERY night this occurs,...
should my airbags have went off when i crashed into the back of a jeep at 80 kph and then 2 cars crashed into the back of me . i was the fifth car in a 7 car pile up
I have some shares that i have had for years and every year i am sent a cheque for around nine gbp. I think i have 350 shares......apparently they are worth 10p per share??? What the heck does it all...
Why do so many people in Britain dislike Americans so much? I have worked with them, mixed socially with them, visited them in their homes, and always I have found them very much the same as us. They...
Hi can anyone advise me what would go with beetroot in a good wholesome soup? Saw a recipe on saturday cooks or s/thing which looked foul!! Crumble or s/thing with sweet potato......? Yuk!
I am having terrible trouble with particularly Jehovah's Witnesses coming to my door...I had two different pairs on Friday and another 2 this morning. A big group of them go round my estate at least...
Hiya people My mother wants to find a man!!!! Eeeek. Basically she's completely technophobic so I'm sorting out her profile etc. We had a look at Match.com but to be able to send decent messages etc...
I have a problem....maybe a few. My husband went to prison for something he did in his early 20's. He's 31 now. Well, while he was in prison, his brother and I became really close. He is a sweet,...
A man needs a haircut and takes his little girl along with him. While he is in the barbers chair, she stands beside him eating a cake. After a while, the barber looks at her and says "Hey Honey, you...
what does the saying 'bet the devil you know' mean? and where does it come from? Patrick McGuiness said it on Max and Paddy's road to nowhere... also what does 'i'm spitting feathers' mean, and where...