This is incredible, Britain's biggest scrounger celebrity, telling us we need to open up... Have we that many police... Since it seems that only the Daily Mail have... Seems like our Polish friends are now finding even more employment in the UK, forget plumbing or even... Little wonder that some detest the Daily Mail, because...
Saw a recent TV snippet of a Cilla Black programme, all about the sixties. I was surprised it showed a lengthy section regarding the Black & White Minstrel Show, and no one seems to have gone on... As I taxed my vehicle on-line yesterday, it got me to thinking, I wonder how...
Did it deserve the vast amounts of taxpayers money that was constantly thrown at it?...
Yesterday I used a memory sick in my computer and usually before I take it out of my computer, I click on an icon in the R/H lower menu tray which tells me when it is safe to remove the stick, but for... Trust the BBC not to lose a chance like this so as to get their leftie rhetoric over. And you are... /// Hopkins' piece was reported to police by Peter... I must pay a visit to specsavers, when I first read this I thought it said 'CAMERON'. But joking apart perhaps... I have heard something like this for years, the suggestion that we are...