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Another Dave

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Can anyone tell me why his books are reducing in quality lately and becoming shorter. Sort it out Tom. Any other authors who are a good replacement for the dude?
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goan yersel ...what does it mean? Thanks.
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When are you officially pronounced clinically dead? Is it when your heart stops or when your brain dies ??
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I am curious as to why we have a race relations council et cetera. Everyone is to some extent racist - ie we all make decisions based on a nationality and have stereotypical views - it may not...
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I only hope this posting isn't too late. Tony Blair and his Government have made plenty of noises to say that they are doing everything they can to secure his release. What exactly are they doing? Do...
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As i am trying to cut down on my salt intake and finding it hard im wondering if theres anything i could substitute it with thats not as bad for you any ideas? x
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You know the bobbly bits on the pavement to tell blind or partially sighted people that there's a crossing or a dropped kerb? Is there any particular reason why some are red and some are yellow? If...
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Which paper do you think is best and why?
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Another Dave
How does lateral G (as experienced by F1 drivers) affect the brain? And how much lateral G would be needed to make a driver black out or red out?
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Which do you think is the correct pronunciation of the same word?
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Are Yorkshire Terriers good with children or strangers?
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What is the easiest way to become a Millionaire?
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Before I begin, this is not a question about whether people believe in God or not. I just need a wee bit help with a concept. I have done workshops before on spirituality whereby I have compared...
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how do they decaffeinate coffee
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how do i copy dvds onto my harddrive

1 to 15 of 15