Has your father, husband, ex, brother etc ever done something so special it has made you very aware in an instant, what a great Dad they are? My elder daughter (aged 9) has had a difficult week at...
Are fat people (not ones with 'glandular' problems or other such justifications) digusting lazy wasters who should be cut off from society- i.e. healthcare, transport etc. Or should they be pitied and...
anyone know where to shop for size 4/6 ladies/young girls clothes got a wedding coming up, 15 year old daughter is very petite, wants grown-up clothes not childrens.
I've been paid 1500 to have sex before by men. I don't really wabnt to do it any more. does anyone know a website or how i can get in touch with a non sex escort agency. thank you
does any know of any perfumes that aren't floral or fruity, that smell almost as masculine as aftershave? I really like woody, cypressy, citrus type fragrances, but without actually pinching a splash...
Everything!!!! What an erse of a woman - would have been a different story if someone chanced to be on the pavement whilst she investigated why her mascara was clogged. In saying that - it was a bit...
Can we have a poll, with a permanent record that determines how individuals would deal with those carrying out vile crimes. It would save a lot of typing and may even increase the work output of the...
Any suggestions for getting rid of chronic indigeston & a feeling of stomach bloatedness which is causing restless sleep at night? Main meal of the day is not eaten late - around 6 p.m, and...
We've just had a call telling us our Australian cousin has died from a black widow spider bite, he just said to his wife he didn't feel too good and was going to bed, I don't know how he did not...
More questions about the fridge I'm afraid, this time I am interested in any of your observations, criticisms, thoughts about the design of your fridge, any good points about its design, bad points,...
Our local post office is off the beaten track and the post mistress does not sit behind any type of protection. Instead she chooses to sit at the till, now, robberies happen and such like and usually...