Helping with the catering at an event in a few weeks. The carnivores are having pulled meat in a bun. I'm doing the veggie stuff. Has to be something that can be prepared in advance and just... ...
I've got 2 soaking in brine at the moment having gutted and skinned them when fresh. Any tried and tested recipes, please? Of course I can google recipes, but I wondered if ABers had a... ...
Emergency call handlers have to deal with all manner of idiots calling in for silly reasons. But this lady absolutely nailed it and spotted that something was just not... ...
Mr BM got some vouchers for so many years at his company so he bought a Ninja Creami for me (without asking, he just thought I might like one). So later on I shall be messing about with ice... ...
I have written a short booklet and included hyperlinks within that document to various files. The file was written in word and then saved as a pdf. The reference files are pdf. I now need to... ...
I am potentially arranging a journey through Italy for a small group of people for next year or the year after. The idea is that we fly into the South and then take the train (I have always found... ...
They are putting on a great display tonight. Just been out and they are visible with the naked eye but even better by camera. I only came in because I got cold. Post your pics here!
Apparently today is National Poetry Day. I'm not massively into poetry but have loved "The Highwayman" by Alfred Noye since I was a child. I won't post it here because it does go one quite a... ...
My day was thwarted by the weather so instead of doing what I intended in the garden, I have done some online shopping, watched the Burghley Horse trials, been and picked some veg from the garden... ...
I have inherited a quite lovely sewing box stand. As well as what appears to be some instruments of torture are a lot of crochet hooks. Thought I would teach myself how to do this. Have managed a... ...
I am thinking of getting an air fryer - I use the air fryer in my IP but would probably use it more if it were slightly bigger and a dedicated air fryer. The problem is work surface space. ... ...
I just dropped the end of my laptop charger (the end that goes into my laptop) into my coffee. It was actually plugged in and switched on at the time and did not go fizz bang. Dare I now plug it... ...
Thank goodness it is Friday! I have had a shocking week. Once I have packed up from work (prob around 8pm), I shall do some cooking for a party I am helping with tomorrow. I am planning a long... ...
25 years ago, I'd just be getting ready to go out. Very high heels were always part of the attire. I had some wicked shoes. Now I am curled up on the sofa in a comfy cardy and jeans wanting to go... ...
Season 3 launches today. Anyone going to be watching? We really enjoy it. My father (a retired farmer) sits and yells at the screen and laughs in equal measure.
Seen or heard any yet? Not seen any house Martins, swallow or swifts nor heard a cuckoo yet (Mr BM thought he heard one about 10 days ago). Seem late this year.
We are having a chicken ceasar salad with the leftover chicken I roasted on Sunday and air fryer croutons. I cheated and bought the dressing. I then may knock up a zabaglione for pud. What is... ...
I am suffering more and more with back pain. I find it very difficult to get comfortable in bed. This morning I got up and went and slept on the sofa where I always get comfortable. I've decided... ...
I took on 2 kittens who had been chucked out like rubbish when they were about 10 weeks old in Sept 22. They are SO different in character! One is very clingy and does not like to go out too... ...