Am in a cyber cafe at the moment where they also sell computers an stuff. A bloke has just walked in and went to the counter and started talking to them and he does sound a bit of a div. He has jost...
Hi there, my dad has given me his old phone including the cable for connecting it to my PC however I don't have the software cd to tell my PC what it is. Does anybody know of a site where I'd be able...
Has anyone suffered from depression/anxiety and has made a full, long-term recovery from it (ie is no longer taking any form of medication/counselling and has been well for a prolonged period of...
Now I'm aware that my presence may not always (ever) be welcome on here but I do take objection to be chucked out before I've said a damn word. AB is currently chucking me out of AB (and indeed any...
I have just found out im 5 weeks pregnant, it wasnt planned but im ok. i woke up today to find a brownish discharge when i went to the toilet...theres not alot of it though. should i be worried??
Are they right to let Mugabe attend the EU-Africa summit because other African leaders threatened to boycott?
Has Gordon finally found some backbone in boycotting the talks?
a friend at works young son has been struggling to poo for about 2 years now. however, when they take him to the doctors they get a medicine that breaks down the poo and makes it easier to come out?...
The police federation are calling for a review of the rule which prevents the police from taking strike action. Could a system where the police can go on strike ever work in practice?...
I need to find the name/author of the following story. A man slowly turns into a vampire, but isn't sure why. He traces his past and realises it is linked to when he fell and cut himself. After...
My friend has a finger list. Basicallty what it is is that he assigns a girl to each finger. How ever he claims he would cut off for a chance to have sex with them. Is this normal or is he a total...