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21 grids. Tough but in some ways easier because you get more turns and there is still only 26 letters in the alphabet
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Prompted by another thread, as the Royal Mail is no longer state owned, and is just another PLC, should the royal crest be on the post boxes? If so, who is going to pay to change them?...
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Why is she wearing a see-through outfit? We saw through Boris, we need Carrie jumping on the bandwagon
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I have been to a funeral today, simple service, incredibly moving. The family was surprised at the number of people there and gained a lot of comfort seeing how popular their daughter was. She had...
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As my main oven is totally self cleaning I have no idea how to clean the element if I use my small combi for roasting or grilling. As always advice appreciated...
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Anyone ever owned one of these? Alexa tells me that when they are cold for a while they go dark all over. Is it true? If so, how dark do they go?...
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Waiting for the news or the next programme was a good excuse when I caught watching Thomas the Tank or Magic Roundabout. That excuse doesn't work now :(...
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My family is extremely with our GP who still makes house calls when necessary and I find this very hard to swallow....
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I love gadgets and have been an early adopter of all sorts of gadgets and tech - I learned my lesson and am a lot more cautious these days. I bought a Betamax. Fantastic bit of kit so not a total...
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Am I wrong in thinking that the judging process used to take a lot longer than the 10-minute segment we were shown last night? I'm sure the judges were shown discussing the photos for at least 3...
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I'm sure many of you will remember these - set up by the government during WWII to provide nutritious, hot, three course meals at fixed very low prices. No ration coupons needed. There were 2160 of...
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For the very first time in any of the 'ordles' that I do I got one right on the first go. Pure luck, of course, but it still gave me a buzz
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Re my wife's bladder pain. It seems my wife got the wrong end of the stick during her scan, there is no mass, thankfully, and it was clear GP has referred her to a Ramsay Health Care Hospital to see a...
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What am I doing wrong? Just lately my fried mushrooms are soggy and horrible, more boiled than fried. I use vegetable oil and don't overcook them....
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Simple question - is dressage cruel? It looks as unnatural as ballerinas dancing en pointe....
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I know that if I take a screenshot or digital photo there will be all kinds of information imbedded in it including the date it was created. If I use a device to take a photo of that image then the...
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Some of you may remember last year I was shocked and upset that my test showed I had retinal neuropathy, especially as my diabetes has been very well controlled by diet and exercise for some years. My...
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I'm watching my recordings of this series and it is not at all what I expected, thoroughly enjoying it although we are playing 'spot the ex Corrie actor'. I always liked Charles Dale in Corrie (Dennis...
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Why are there never any for sale boards, even on properties that have been on the market for years? I know for sale boards are used in France, Spain and Portugal...
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My wife has been in constant discomfort and frequent severe pain for some months from tenderness and pain in the bladder region. She had a hysterectomy many years ago. Xray was clear. Today she had a...

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