I can't remember much of this cartoon and I really want the name. It was similar to the Raccoons in style. Opening credits started on a spinning world. Voice-over said something about them protecting...
I've found it - www.keenaschips.co.uk/index.php?page=articles/misc_rainbow It's so funny - The Rainbow Plucking Orgy. Watch it and let me know what you think!
Can anyone remind me of the presenter who travelled around the British Isles (abroad in later series) interacting with his cameraman usually over food or drink.
What does this odd phrase mean and where does it come from? I know it's the title of a Judas Priest song but does it pre-date even these Jurasic Brummie rockers?
Bongo McJones
We replaced the head gasket in a 00 1.4 opel astra and manifold gasket, we then started the car and since when the car is about 10-20sec started she is reving to 1000 on her own we have doubled...
I had my brake pads and discs replaced yesterday but this buckling effect still occurs. It only happened a coupld of times pre brake fitting but it did it again last night. When i slow down to almost...
my car cuts out after only driving for a short time. It will rev itself massively before giving up and taking several minutes to start again. Any ideas?
My Grandma who has recently died at the grand old age of 93, had may a catchphrases - one of them being "up a shade Ada" as she was standing up from a seat and "boarding house reach" to reach for a...