when i clicked onto the AB i was taken to the uknetguide web site that looks a lot the fure of the ab but a lot snazzier than the current ab? i refreshed and came back here???? was i mistaken ED?
Whenenver we have a BBQ we usually finish with icecream. Does anyone have any suggestions for a dessert that can actually be cooked on the BBQ? Many thanks.
Following on from young master Whiffey's comments about his trials and tribulations on Millionaire, I just had to ask this question...... I always thought it was paste.... but just what sort of paste...
I have a huge greengage tree in my garden and there is loads of fruit on it which should be ripe in next couple of weeks, trouble is I don't know what to do with it all. Some will be given away and...
i fell in love with guava jam in the caribbean and now im home have run out of the supplies i bought home.. is there any where i can buy this in the uk mail order or anyshops in dorset i can get it?...
can anyone help? I'm backpacking around Australia and am bored of 2 minute noodles! What are some of your favourite budget recipes? Also I have limited equipment and no oven or grill in the hostels!...
Can anyone recommend a reasonably priced hotel in these areas, my husband needs to work nearby for a couple of weeks, and is struggling to find anything.............Thanks
Going to Canada next week, and would like to take some yummy British foods for our hosts. What do you suggest, bearing in mind that you can buy lots of international goodies in that part of the world?
i am disabled thou not a wheelchai user.. i can walk short distances. Iam visiting Paris in october staying near the Republique has anyone any hints about getting around and which places are disabled...
I can never cook rice without it coming out a bit wet. stodgy and sticky. My bloke wants me to do him some special fried rice. I think it would just be a sticky mess
We're going to Leeds midweek for a couple of days to visit a very ill friend who is in Leeds General Infirmary. Does anyone know of any reasonably priced hotels in or near the city centre? We went...