hi i recently purchased some boots from seller on ebay with excellent reputation. Wondered where items were so checked on my order and saw hundreds of terrible feedbacks on the seller and that the...
hi am very short 17year old girl with 29" or 30" leg and feel restricted to buying my trousers from next most fir quite well and are modern. does anyone know any other high street stores that stock...
Hi everyone, have bought antifreeze/summer coolant for my 1996 ford ka. It tells me to look in manual for instructions on how much to put in but i must be going mad because i cant find anything! If...
hiya is there any way u can put off your next period? i go on holiday next month and have only just realised that i will be on my period for the whole week that i'm away. would the pill work in such...
Can anyone help me with the cinematography in Rebecca?I have bben told to produce an essay of an 8minute sequence from a film and write about its cinematography so i chose Rebecca, but am stuck on...
hi does experience embarasiing body hair?i suffer from dark hair all over my body, which is especially noticeable on arms and belly etc. Its really embarassing as im a 17 year old girl and being hairy...
just wanna ask as well-are the clubs ok to get into?slightly worried as we are a group of 17 year olds going away and dont wanna be stuck with nothing to do at nighttime x
i am a 17 year old girl and am planning to go on holiday with 7 other 17 year olds but we are stuck as no holiday companies will accept us as there isnt a person over 18. could anyone recommend any...