Please could anyone help with these questions: Section 5 Who were the firs two chefs to appear on 'Ready, Steady, Cook'? Section 11 A ditloid 4 T (no number of letters) Section 14 What connects...
The digital number on the boiler constantly flashes SE and a number. The number I assume is the temparature but what does 'SE' mean? Should it be flashing like this? Also should it show a constant...
That time of year again. The Melksham quiz will be out at the end of the month. This time in aid of the poppy appeal. About 300 assorted questions and it costs £3.00 and entries are to be...
Kitchen window. We think one part of the locking system won't disengage. We can press in the black finger button and raise handle but when we push the window will not open - it isn't locked! Is this...
This is the last chance for anyone who wishing to have copies of this quiz which starts next week and ends first week in August. Please e-mail The quiz has over 300...
Please can anyone help with the following cryptic clue. All answers are flowers. I have looked through four different list of flowers and cannot find anything. I am hopeless at these questions 1. An...
Anyone interested in the Melksham Xmas quiz, out next week contact me 300+ General knowledge questions in aid of Poppy appeal. ?3.00 entrance fee, 3 months to complete...
That time of year again. The famous Melksham Xmas quiz is back. ?3.00 to enter for 300+ questions with ?30 first prize. All proceeds to Poppy Appeal. Anyone interested please drop me a line at...
Hi, Wonder if anyone can help. My son pays into the CSA. He has just gone onto a 3 day week. He gets paid monthly. He has been in touch with the CSA twice now explaining the situation and in both...
I am about to send off my answers and wondered if anyone can tell me who to make the cheque out to if I want to receive the Christmas quiz when it is ready.
can anyone help please Where are and why are the most northern football ground and the highest football ground in the premier league connected. And who plays at these grounds? And who connects them?...
I am stuck on two questions in the Theme From Dictionary Definitions -- A showy spirited person and An extension from the splinter bar of a carriage to take another horse. I know that the theme is...
Cryptic clues relating to furinture 1. Multiple pictures will give you this support 2. The FBI may help you with this Also one answer required to do with sayings R I a P The picture one I am wondering...
The Melksham Summer Quiz is due out on the 17th May , completion date 17th August with proceeds this time going to Burnham On Sea Lifeboat. The lady that makes the quizzes to date has raised more than...
For all those struggling over Section 11. question 1. I have just rang the number given at the end of the quiz and the letters ELE should read OLE. I said I would put this on so you could have peace...