My question is if someone has been spreading slanderous things about a person which then leads to a confrontation can the police be involved to sort things out.
Every year I fill out a application for car insurance but the bit I hate doing is putting down my occupation . Some one please tell me what the hell it's got to do with anything. 26 years no accidents...
Hi there i was wondering if any one can suggest any low mileage insurance companys. I've now started riding to work and will now only use the car for lesure and some times commuting to work. 10k pluss...
Hi does anyone no where I can get a loan for just £1000 so I can put down on a rented accommodation I'm after but as I have no credit history finding it a bit hard.
My son owns a vectra and is going to do he's rear break pads. Can any one tell me what size Allen key he needs for he's brake caliper slider bolt .. Thanks
My wife has just been suspended from work and because of the nature of the job it needs to be investigated . Now as nothing like this has happened to us before we are finding the whole thing very...
my son has a V plate corsa and has a strange noise from font passenger wheel. the noise sounds like a playing card you use to clip on your bike wheel as a kid.noise gets clicks fast with speed. but...
I'm not a big fan of police fly on the wall programs such as motorway cops but when I do and you get cops talking about the causes of accidents they have attended . They talk about people eating...
Need help. Been told I can't have a mortgage as I've no credit history. Never had credit card only debit and no loans. So I'm thinking of getting a credit card but what will be the quickest way to...
Hi my son works for a agency and has not been paid for some weeks.. I'm. Getting lots of promises of his money going into his bank but yet nothing. Now does anyone no who I can complain too about this...
A friend has been to court to have he's ccj removed and won he's case. He would like to know if any else here has had there's removed and how long it takes to show on your credit rating as he needs to...
I'm hoping a Mazda technician may see this. I'm a proud owner of a Mazda rx8 and two yrs ago had a replacement engine after mine went boom when one of the oil injector failed. My rx8 is a series 1...
WORK THIS OUT "You saw a shirt for £97. You didn't have the cash, so you borrowed £50 from your mom and £50 from your dad = £100. You bought the shirt.and had £3...
Hi everyone I rent a house and been here for 5yrs but my only problem with place is it's single glazed windows. Winter is a long way off but what can I do to stop the draft and heat loss through these...
tonight there was a programe on the cost of driving a car and one bit court my eye which was parents would insure there kids car as there own and have them as a name driver to keep there insurance...
Hi everyone I'm changing my job and have a interview with a part of it being English and mathematics test. What I'm after is a free websites which have maths questions and solutions like this ........
Hi...guys just wondered if anyone has had a entry test at catapilla shrewsbury. you have to go through a recruitment company to get in and have a entry test ... englsh..maths any...
Daughters boyfriend is ruining her life but she can't see it Sad git is using drugs and as he don't work is using her money .Most weeks she's pennyless all her friends and even his family know and...