I can not believe I read that only days after the Australian guy who was killed by the stingray, there are videos circling the net and computer games being created (yesterdays Star). This guy may have...
Reading another post today, it struck me that some dogs do some strange things when they hear certain noises. My shar-pei goes beserk when he hears the church bells ring and stands at the front door...
hi does anyone have a link that i can go to to get the soundtrack for the film "soul plane"? or do you know if there is a soundtrack for it? cheers in advance! xxx
What should I do when I go to work? Leave my pup in his crate and risk him soiling it if I dont get back in time (I'm at work for 2 and a half hours ata time) or leave him in kitchen with paper on...
To cut a long story short I'm getting a tattoo on the arch at the underside of my foot. THE most sensitive part. I can't possibly back out. Am I making a mistake? Ive never had a tottoo before.
Before you get all judgemental I'd like you to know my son has ADHD... as a result of this I find it hard to cope with him, He is always opening draws and slamming dooors... anyway one day last week...
We're all pretty friendly and cool with each other on here, do you think we'd like one another in real life? It would be great if there was a huge party with us all invited!!!! There are other...
Morning all.I just wondered what the weight difference was between you and your other halves.We worked out last night that my b/f is 6 stone heavier than me,and so he is heavier than me and my son put...
Hi, I am trying to identify some of my favourite classic house tunes - can anybody help from my (possibly rather vague) descriptions below... First one - a woman's voice saying "Stay Tonight" in a...
Its my Partners Daughters 13th next month!!! I don't have a clue to get her (she acts old before her age) more of a 15 year old really! ..... She is bigger then me then I am only tiny :-) Any advise...
Truthfully, how many ABers don't know the difference between:- 1) There, their and they're? 2) Were, wear and where? 3) Your and you're? 4) Our and are? I can't believe my son has an A in GCSE and 1)...
Does anyone else find that when you get pretty drunk you get all tired but when you go to bed you just cannot sleep at all?and spend the night just half awake and half asleep or waking up every few...
my best mate was stood up last night....now i said to her to tell him to get stuffed when he rings next.do you think he shud have another chance?it was only the second date and hes a bit of a git...