Hello, I was just wondering if ANYONE knows what to do. I was told by a hair stylist to add a quarter cup of olive oil to my regular conditioner and put it in my hair for a few hours. (makes...
Do u turn down the volume of the radio in ur car if u are going slowly along a street looking for a house number or a business premisies???? Question is related to the ability to talk on a cell phone...
I'm looking for a word that means or connotes bringing together disparate things to make a harmonious whole. I'm gathering a group of artsy cratsy folks to do collage and mosaic, both of which attempt...
Can anyone recommend anything for getting rid of hard skin on the heels? I have tried a foot file and and i've used a Hemp cream from the body shop, but both seem to provide really short...
Hi I really want to buy an MP3 player but i dont no whether to get a normal MP3 player or an Apple ipod! I've heard some bad things about apple ipods but i think they look really nice compared...
I am going to visit a medium next weekend and i'm not sure what to expect, do they tell you if anything bad will happen? Once you leave is the psyhic connection broken? Im really looking forward to it...
I'm going to a rat pack party tonight and the problem is I'm a girl! What's the female equivalent of frank and co and does anyone have any suggestions for costumes?
I'm a nosy thing but i just wondered what gives answer bankers that warm feeling....you know...for example, when i get home on a night and i get my daughter ready for bed and then before she goes to...
Help! My son has just lost all of his work by saving a blank word document over his extensive and almost complete course work. Surely there must be an automatically saved back up copy...
Can u walk into a general hospital and get a HIV Hep B C and an MRSA Swab done (private or public) ??? and how long would it take to get the results back...... (To Philtaz ....this is not a wind up Q...