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Edna Silburn
Where can I buy Burdalls Gravy Salt in Ipswich or Colchester
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Why has no-one asked anything about this song all day?
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What's the music for the ford ad on telly
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Wee Kaz
Can anyone recommend some films they have seen recently, It would be good if one was a horror? I normally get two DVD's every Saturday night so I've seen loads! Ta
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Johnathan Ross plays at least one David Bowie track on his Sat. show. But how long would it take him to play all his recorded tracks if he only played one a week? And if Micheal Parkinson played one...
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Why were there always welding facilities and sheets of metal in a nearby shed when the members of the A-Team were in a sticky situation? The villains are fools for also locking them in a hut full of...
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What is FO of OW
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What is the profile of the average Answerbank user out there? I only ask cause we all seem to be male, scottish, footie and floyd fans not that there's anything wrong with that.
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can someone please help me and tell me where i can find a full length download of Limp Bizkits version of 'wish you were here' that they performed at the America 9/11 tribute to heroes gig
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how can I find a download for THE COURT OF KING CARRACTACUS by Rolf Harris on the web?
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is it me or, are gay musicians the most talented.look at freddie mercury. george michael, elton john, libarace, jimmy somerville, [name removed - don't be silly, or offensive, or libellous - Ed] not...
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When will Tom Cruise come out of the closet?
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How does cavity wal insulation work?
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Why are Scotland so cr*p at football? We're a nation of 5 million people and we can't produce a decent football team. The Faroe Islanders - barely enough of them to fill a pub, yet even they can tank...
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Do men do their fair share?
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im not going to use bad language, but where did f*** originate?
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Why is the security status on a Uk mitltary base called the 'Bikini Alert'?
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Why is 'orange jam' called marmalade?
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ned flanders
Name your favourite Film of every decade starting from the fifties?
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Wee Kaz
Why is it that Bratt Pitt is always eating in nearly every scene in the film Oceans Eleven?

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