Not sure if my PC will run it as I'm not sure on equivalent hardware specs. The game recommends: Processor: 1.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, AMD Athlon 64 Dual-Core 4000+, or equivalent (for computers using... /// THE half-time routine saw dancers in an X formation, an apparent... Do you agree that they should be jailed? It seems a little harsh when an illegal immigrant can walk through the Channel tunnel and when arriving in...
Hi, I'm wondering if there is a way to find out why someone was in court I have their full name, the crown court name and the case number. The reason I am looking as the person sexually assaulted me 6...
I used to be a big fan of these, and now the drummer has died.
Whats going on in the Pop and Music World, they are all dying?
Walking my dog before daybreak this morning I saw two cyclists coming towards me. They had bright flashing lamps on the front of their bikes. Sometimes a television news report will come with a...
i hope and wish more actors,stars,personalities and people with influence would grow a set and follow suit .
Having a convo with a mate and trying to remember the model of a bike he owned in the mid-late 80s. It was a few years old when he had it so it was probably manufactured in early 80s. It was a Suzuki,... I watched the story...
...but I've just got round to watching all 5 seasons of Breaking Bad. I watched the first series a couple of years ago and having recently acquired Netflix I've had some marathon sessiosn over the... I appreciate that these cases are more complicated than they appear, but I simply don't understand why she stayed with this abusive monster for so long. At one...