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A man goes to the Bakers and asks :- ''Do you have any yellow bread ?'' ''No,only green'' says the Baker. ''Well give me a blue one then, I'm riding the bike.''
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I don't live in England ,would someone please tell me how the smoking Ban has gone down. Are there less people in the pubs ? Is the Ban being obeyed ? The BBC promised to keep us informed but I must...
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Is BBC news censored ? There are no reports today of the fighting at the mosque in Pakistan. Why ?
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Saw Lenny Henry enter an Irish Pub,to be told by the first Irishman he met ''We Hate the English. we might know an individual Englishman we like,' but,as a race we hate them.'' Any Irishmen out there...
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Did anyone see the attack on Ann Robinson on this Prog ? I loved and agreed with it.
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How many dead will ANOTHER religious Scot bring ?
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Does anyone know what you must do to be Permanently disqualified from driving ? Killing people doesn't seem to do it.
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Has anyone ever been asked-''Tell us in someone else's words.''
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Have Vista and Real player doesn't seem to work. Do you know of another Music thingy I could D/load , ? please.
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Parisite Hilton's mother sent her a cake with a file in it;so she could do her nails.
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Just heard on News :-''Just 14% of Scots describe themselves as British'. What do you think ? Are you British or English or What ? Americans are invited to take part. ie Scottish American etc.
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Once again T. Blair tells us what the 'Overwhelming Majority' of Muslims think. Since he can't possibly know do you think this is the same sort of thinking that makes him a 'Convinced' christian. That...
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Should the man who has just said on BBC news :-'It takes a lot of concentration to drive at 20 miles per hour'', be allowed to drive ?
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On a Quizz the answer to the question 'What is Collective noun for a group of Rhino's' the answer was 'The Correct answer is Crash' {or Clash} My question is -Who says ? We have no Acadamy for our...
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On the TV.Com site they give the following :- On 26 December 2996, Glynis appeared for the first time as DCI Grace Barraclough in the long-running UK soap Emmerdale. (edit) This is really predicting...
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What amazes you. This is not intended as Criticsism,everybody should be free to do their thing,but I am amazed when i see people leaving the Market with Bottled Water,tinned mashed potatoe and instant...
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Anyone know where Swampy is and what he's doing,please ?
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It has just been discovered that Tuberculosis,far from being spread to Livestock and Humanns by Badgers,is in fact, spread by Humans to Badgers. Should Humans be Culled ?
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In religion and sociology, a cult is a group of people (often a new religious movement) devoted to beliefs and goals which may be contradictory to those held by the majority of society. Wikipedia...
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If you were given the choice to save someone,well known from Alien abduction who would you save,and who would be the Last person you would save ? {It goes without saying that we would All fight to the...

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