The woman leading the Golf on BBC TV at the moment is called Catriona Matthew. All the commentators leave the 'O' out of her name and call her Catrina. The sequal to R.L. Stephenson's novel...
Just seen Sheila Hancock on TV. repeat the idea that Old people are ,somehow,immune to Swine 'Flu. does anyone Know if there is any truth in this,please ?
Some months ago a woman was raped and then had acid thrown over her. The perps got the usual few years and,we were told,the sentences were to be reviewed. I've heard nothing yet. Have you ?
Against the power of the Church. In the report into Catholic abuse I read today that Police Officers drew back from challenging sadistic Priests and Nuns and that No one will be prosecuted as a result... on/8022132.stm Nine years for killing a woman. Seven years licence withdrawn ! Why not 'You must never drive again'' ?
Believe ANYTHING ? We're told that after being touched by Mrs. Obama ,something that for some reason is frowned upon in our Class orientated Country, the queen said 'Do keep in touch''. Not 'Don't...