Have solved all the clues and entered letters diagonally and 'in the correct order' in most of the checked cells. I assume letters should also be entered diagonally in the first three corner cells to...
I'm nearly there but it's been a struggle! I need help on the last three (all wordplay either has a missing or extra letter) 36 across: Sally outwardly about to flaunt for Cameron (5) S???E 21 down:...
I've searched using several keywords but can't find another thread so ... This was a rewarding puzzle: once the penny drops you think, "yes, of course; why didn't I spot that earlier?" Many thanks...
1a Not quite hang on, faced with hard chance (6)
24a Strange phenomenon of second sight (4,2)
?E?? ??
As always all help very gratefully received....
A very nice puzzle, well up to Myops's tricky best. But I'm stuck with 20D "Gumshoe" --T-Y (probably G-T-Y). The puzzle includes a large number of fictional detectives, and this looks like being an...
A fairly easy solve in contrast to the rather complicated preamble. I haven't tried to work out the title yet!
Farewell Ruslan - you will be missed....
Hello does any body know about the win prizes section on the telegraph crossword page.There are three puzzles General Knowledge, Quick General Knowledge ,Cryptic. Do my chances of winning increase...
3 people, A, B and C, have integer ages. A total of 5 digits is required to construct the 3 ages and no digit is repeated. 28 years ago, B was twice the age that A was 4 years ago. In 11 years time, A...
With the valuable assistance of fellow contributors here I now have a completed grid, but still a few loose ends to tie up. I presume the silver cells spell MATLOCK, and that the race is the Derby,...