could any one tell me why a pair of blackbirds are both taking all my pyracantha orange berries the tree has been there for three years and what they could be doing with all the berries , they are...
I need to find some decent experiments on any aspect of science for teenagers- got a lot of stuff suitable for younger kids but they are a bit tame for teens- would be nice, but not neccesary, if they...
We're getting our snail problem under control in the garden. Well, to be honest, something else is doing it for us!! We're starting to find many MANY empty snail shells around. There are a few with...
I received a parking ticket whilst parked on private land. It gives details of the make and colour of my car which are correct but the registration plate has been incorrectly hand written down. Where...
I have a ford fiasta year 2000 and I have a tendency to rev the engine ( not intentionally)which has caused there to be a buring smell coming from the bonnet, what is the effect of this and how should...
Is this planet getting bigger, the reason I ask is because every time you see time team, the further they dig down the earlier they go in time, if not who comes along and covers it up? 9898/ The person who posted it is admanant this is real, others just as adamant it's not. Either way, it's how my parents were brought up! The second...
we recently moved and have a pond in our garden,we want to fill it in but there are loads of frogs in there!im terrified of them and they jump all around the garden!!!is there any way we can get rid...
When i flush the toilet at home, it flushes fine but the water level after the flush is very low (almost to the bottom of the toilet). Does this mean its blocked? I always assumed if the toilet was...
I bought a kit for stick insects it included a habitat and equipment and instructions for care of stick insects. You sent off a voucher that came with the kit to get 10 free stick insect eggs through...
The Blackbird that can't close it's beak. Having got a closer look it seems to have something stuck in it's throat, at first I thought it was it's tongue but I dont think so now. Any ideas on how to...
Have you all except for me done part 2.I still have three left.MrGrundys pinniped. Mrs Pitman moving slowly.and Alias Jack in the Pulpit.All are names of plants which include a persons name.Thanks for...
Why is it, that when you buy a glass bottle of full fat milk, there is a layer of cream on the top, but, when you buy a carton or plastic bottle, there isn't?