Any help appreciated. Capital letter denotes Christian name. 11 B. Headless honesty 14 J. 14th letter,snakes sound and tor 15 F. Weight loss menu & travel around 18 G. Hesitant connection + 1. 26... ...
14A ..... or As You Like It? (2,5) I have T-/ O-D-R It has to be ''To Order' - or am I wrong..... bit stuck in Shakespeare after lunchtime meeting with Granddaughter who is reading Eng.... ...
How sporty were you at school? Netball, hockey, rounders, gymnastics, javelin, discus and hurdling (to a degree) for me - but I've never won a running race in my life.
14. confused bird snuggles into heavy heather (11) 20. A village just before a well known Loch (10) 23. If Preston had a football club here they'd be poles apart (8) 42. I'm enthralled by it all... ...
My favorite ale here in S. Ontario is Morland Old Speckled Hen from the UK. My local Ontario Beer Store no longer stocked it and then I had to go further afield. Now I cannot find OSH within... ...
My sister has two dogs, and the older one used to hate the younger one. My sister said that at one point the older one snapped at the younger one. Not bit, but growled, and my sister slapped the... ...
1. Are they little melting moments or just messy mites? 2. What cheese is made from sitting on an item for serving tea? 3. This little loop definitely has no calories in it's centre? 4. Not sure... ...
11 across. Clots antidote includes doubtful extremes c?r?l? 21 across Japanese mat is so long beside motorway ?????I 15 across Having trouble with a points malfunction ?? ? ??o?
current extant retail shops found on high street/retail park 7. that is, teaser's evil pair are about to have their cake and eat it 33. article about name followed by some adders 36. a steep high... ...
No1 affirm second at the start and second at the end gives this budget store. No3 don't stay in here. No17 or maybe added to this stationery place. No30 units used from one newton displacing a mass... ...