any good stories on surviving cancer ? i have had secondary cancer since feb and sometimes i feel fine mentally other times i feel crapp about it all .
thanks carly x
hi , do any of you know what hospital is the best in the united kingdom for cancer treaqtments? any ones just dedicated to research / clinical trials and up to date treatments? thanks in advance Carly...
has anyone lost their hair through chemo ? i had mine shaved at weekend as it was falling out , still trying to get used to wearing a wig as its itchy . every time i look in the mirror it looks weird...
stylinsam here. (yes i no another name, dont go there lol) i came on awhile ago with a problem about my mum having really bad chest pains anyway i pursuaded her to go to the doctors and they still...
My husband does lots of martial arts, running, and weight training all in the pursuit of weight loss. He is trying to convince me that the above mentioned energy/sports drinks are very good for...
has anyone got any tips on how to stop knocking the sills on the lower part of a van? i have done it twicw now and always bits of granite or very low wall when reversing ! when there are no side...
wrote in the other day saying i had bashed the work van twice. boss seems to think its ok or me to pay to get the small bash removed . what do you think?