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I am 22, a size 14 and have a 32GG chest.  For years I have thought about a reduction and have always been discouraged, by my mother and boyfriend.  But they make me...
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Hiya, well i was wondering once you get an ingrown hair what do you do? i think i had one once it was on my leg and t went into a spot so i popped it and pulled the hair out, is this the right thing??...
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I wonder if anyone can help me out... I have been with my boyfiend of nearly 2 years now, we are very much in love and at the beginning of us going out, he explained to me that he was a very religious...
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guys  i need some help. i dont even know how to explain this. i think i am starting to lose it the main sympton is obsession if thats even what  i would call it, it all centers around my...
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Hi, Does anyone know what the best colour eye shadow brings out blue/green eyes? Thnx. xxx
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whats the best digestive supplements? any thoughts on yakult? any recomendations on things that are good for digestive system.
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I have just had my credit card number used online and had almost ?500 spent on it on various sites.  Has this happened to anyone else? if so whats your card number, expiry date and last 3 digits...
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I was just wondering, when i'm on my period i generally dont bleed during the night or when i'm asleep. It tends to stop at about 9 or 10 in the evening and then start when i wake up, does anyone else...
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I use Frizz Ease serum on my hair almost every day (after washing). Can hair be damaged by using it that often, due to all the chemicals it has in it? Thanks!
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What hairdryers are supposed to be the best at the minute? I have heard some really create a shine to your hair, are they the ones with ionic generators?
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my boyfriend really starting to get on my nerves because he'll say stuff like he'll hook up with one of my friends if i don't tell him what he wants to know at times. and thenthat makes me want to say...
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i was wondering how you guys cope with jehovah witnesses visiting your homes..its get some in month december...thats what mullein calls it..i have had a letter asking them not to call sent and yet the...
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If you could sleep with any one famous person at any point in time, who would it be and when?  I think Bruce Willis in Die Hard is a winner for me.
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Have I missed something? In one of the episodes of Corrie last night, the gay lad Sean said to Kelly in the pub that he must go because Eileen will be worried about him... but he left the Grimshaws...
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Recently when I straighten my hair it gets really greasy, especially at the back. My hair was totally clean before as I'd just washed it and I have decent straighteners that are pure ceramic, not...
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is vin diesel gay?  
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How do you feel about the potential Smoking ban in pubs, restaurants etc?
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Why is it that its dead easy to score if you have a girlfriend, but alot harder if you're single?
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last night i watched secret window on dvd,did anyone else think it was aload of old toss or is it just me?
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hey, in general I have really clear skin, but every once in a while i get these horrible spots which just..lurk under the skin for a few weeks going all red and being quite sensitive, hurts when i...

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