Our daughter is now 2 weeks old. We fully expected broken nights sleep, but not in the way we're getting and wondered if anyone could help. Cindy, my wife went into labour at about 10:30pm and Siena...
I need to get a credit card because I want to buy some from the internet. I have enough money in my account for it, but what will happen after? Will I have to have a certain amount of money in my bank...
In one of the side chapels at Westminster Abbey there is a tomb with a knight and his wife modelled on the top. The man has his feet resting on a blue hedgehog, or porcupine. Who was he? When did he...
I've got a pop up called 'search the web' that comes up after a few minutes of opening Internet Explorer (whether or not I'm actually on line). I can't see any way to close it down apart from using...
I thought it would be fun to see if we could have a go and get 100 replies to a question on the site and this is probably the best category to try it in.....Just say hello or anything you want and let...
Can we please have fewer arguments (usually between Spellmaster and someone) over spelling? I think he offers a useful service, if that's the right word, bu several threads have been spoiled recently...
Just watched Littlejohn on Sky news and my blood is boiling. If these people dont like our flag, dont like our country etc. etc, then why dont they just take a hike and leave, and see if they could...