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We have a small pond with two goldfish. Does anyone know of a safe way to help clear the water without using filters? I have introduced oxygenating weed and some snails but the water is still a bit...
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No hosepipe ban here yet ;-) I have a garden tap near the house, and a hosepipe running some way to the veg patch. There is a spray gun attached to the end. The tap is left on, so I can just spray as...
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Hi, don't know if any of you will have any ideas as to what may be worng with my boyfriend? - for a good few days now he has had a pain in his left side, kind of in the stomach/abdominal area. me and...
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When stationary in traffic my engine temperature rises, the fan doesn't kick in until the temperature gauge is in the red. Is there a way of adjusting the fan switch so that the fan comes on earlier?...
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Does anyone know the best way to clean a sheepskin rug?
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I need to change the taps on my bath for a mixer tap with shower attachment but the bath is double ended and the taps are in the middle on the wall side. Will it be possible to change the taps without...
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Hi hope someone can give some advice. My mother-in-law is German but lives here in UK & has done for 40yrs. Her brother has recently died in Germany & apparantly left loads of debt (his estate...
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Can anyone who knows a bit about computers and programs please tell me what VNC Server Properties (Service Mode) means? It appreared on all our computers at work...and was wondering what it's for? Do...
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could the confederacy have survived as an independent country if the south had won the american civil war?
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I'm having trouble with a leaking stopcock in the house. ...Went to turn water off outside house with mains key.... I'm down 2ft still removing soil, not got to valve. any ideas how far down I'll have...
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Im was sitting at my desk bored earlier and I started to paly with my stapler! Then the question came to me, why do you have the bit where the staple comes out which you can turn around to make the...
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I have recently been given a full keg of carling beer. What do i need to get the carling out of it? Is there a homemade way of doing it?
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I think this is one for you, Clanad. What is the situation in the earthquake zone at the moment? Didn't the last big one happen about 100 years ago - in San Francisco? I'm concerned for the people...
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I would like to know peoples reaction to the jailing today of another pensioner regarding her non payment of council tax .personally i find it outrageous.
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I have just been refunded for an item i bought off ebay because the seller says I would have to wait another month for delivery! The money hasn't appeared in my paypal balance which I thought it...
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Recently certain usb hardware has been playing up. My printer and webcam are fine but my pendrive and digital camera lead wont work. When I plug them in I get a message 'one of the usb devices...
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Anybody logged on to this.They are advertising a Kodak Digital Camera for ?4.87p.with Free Delivery. Must be a mistake.
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what is air used for
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I have 2 old PCs which were passed to me - However I have 2 Windows Disks and 2 manuals and have no idea which belongs to which. I know Microsoft are incredibly picky - will it cause problems if I use...
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We recently changed the taps in our kitchen. Since doing so, the cold water tap makes a loud trumpeting noise every time it is turned on, which seems to be getting worse. It is only this tap, none of...

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