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Baby Jane
hi ladies Johnny Depp dressed as Jack Sparrow giving me my choccie egg,my Easter wish. Whats yours. Come champagne, bet you come up with a good un. Boo where are you? xxxxxx
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...ogling mens' nether regions. How do you plan on spending your day today?
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I had red nail varnish on and now I have removed it my nails are orangey stained. Whats the best way to get rid of this?
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Right - long story short as it's been told before (except the last bit): Started seeing someone. He decided he didn't want a relationship just sex. Fine by me. Been meeting up every couple of weeks...
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After my question yesterday uestion388150.html The ex is with someone new, what a joke!!
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If you're closest friend/loved one turned into a zombie in front of your eyes, do you think you'd have the courage to put them out of their misery?
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Im 34 and my fiance just turned 50. He doesnt look 50, just a much broader version of Jose Morinho. I think he is dead sexy and fit and i really fancy him and more importantly love him. However the...
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im going to a spinning class tonight has anyone ever been to one its my first time thanks ssxx
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Who invented kissing, I know its a form of greeting and performed for different reasons in different countries, but who founded this wonderful piece of human interaction?
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Ms D Meaner
God forbid, but if your life ended tomorrow how would you like to be remembered. XxX
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According to research carried out by some dim spark at the University of Bath, one in five people are set to die a 'shameful death'. Sociology expert (who just so happens to have written a book...
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Hello! I have a friend that I have known since we were very small, and we grew up very close, and still were until recently. She moved away and met a man, who she married in a quiet ceremony abroad....
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i know this isn't really the right catogory but seem to get more replys here!!! anyway, is it compulsory for a company to pay towards an empolyees eyesight test and/or glasses if they work on...
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when you get home from work? What do you do between when you get in and say 8pm. Also does anyone go home and have a siesta before enjoying their evening?
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can anyone recommend a good shop brand(inexpensive) teeth whitner that actually works. thank you
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how long does hair grow per month?
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does anyone know what food is good to eat to improve the elasticity of your skin???
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just curious.... :-)
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I just put a forkful of food into my gob and ended up with my hair in my mouth as well. And quite a lot of it too! I then sat there laughing with food still in my mouth and had to compose myself...
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Grr im bored, and penniless and this week has just been AWFUL! Has anybody elses wages not been paid in time due to this bank glitch thing that is going on at the moment? I wonder when I will get paid...

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