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Russel watson a very good freind of mine i also know a number or top dj's but i was told tonight while drinkng not to say anything . Where did i go wrong. Any way to the question do you know anyone...
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What is it that you're really passionate about? What do you love doing and why? Don't say my bf/gf. I have no real idea about what I'm passionate about. Just interested in everyone elses. Thanks peeps
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are abers allowed to have more than one user name at a time on this site ?
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I've just eaten a whole tub of olive houmous and then realised that it's 550 calories and 49.4g of fat! How can something so healthy be so fattening? Do you think God got it wrong and actually...
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Would you rather die? Fat and happy or thin, depressed and sad?
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How does it work then - is it just a physical and visual form of subliminal messaging with mesmerism towards rampantly aroused bunny rabbits? Is the form of Braidism employed in the Q above (and often...
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aka pixi
I have a couple of online friends that totally hate each other. The reason they hate each other has nothing to do with me but Im sick of being piggy in the middle because of it. I dont tell each of...
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What in your opinion is the worst noise ever????
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AB Asks
Today's women are having less sex than 1950s women used to, according to new (American) research. Reasons given for this include today's hectic lifestyle and the increasing number of women in higher...
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do you use eyelash curlers before or after applying mascara? thanks
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Due to a degree of lethagy I am a little bored so please feel free to pass comment on my latest taste of women. 1) Lacey Turner (Stacey Slater from Eastenders) 2) Katie Ford (Tracey Barlow from...
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opra winfrey
Do you think this could ever happen on answerbank ?,,2-200713084 6,00.html I have read Doctor Spocks post about this poor man . What kind of world is it that we live...
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brad pitt or johnny depp? and why?
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I was playing my Sims game last night, and I decided to buy a pet. So I bought a lovely caramel coloured Chow Chow ( but then I was stuck for a name to give it....
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On Saturday I set up my pc in my new home, but as soon as I switched on the power the pc let out a large bang which made me jump and then there was a burning smell from the back of the computer. My pc...
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I am so miserable with my skin and general appearance lately. I exfoliate my skin, moisturise every day, drink loads of water, use a night cream as well but I have never looked so rough!! I am...
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doctor spock
If all contributors to AB had a meeting at some suitable venue(pub) would we recognise each other by username or general content of postings. Interesting eh.I see unrulyjulie in pigtails and freckles....
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How long do you think you could go without human company before you started losing the plot. Not necessarily stranded on a desert island but just not knowing anyone?
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Do you people think it is wrong to be an animal lover but not be vegeterian? At one point during my college course, they made us feel like unworthy people because we were studying to look after...
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How happy are you? Not just right at this moment typing away at your computer, but in general? If you were to average out happiness since the tun of the year, what wouldyou give yourself out of 10, 1...

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