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i would like to find out what is the progress with my application form for the college
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It's our daughter's Christening in August and we're working out the cheapest way to buy alcohol. There will be about 70 adults so we need to buy in bulk - beer, wine and sparkly stuff. I've been...
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Hi can anyone put me in touch wiv someone to provide an apprenticeship for my 16 yr old son in North East Lincolnshire.....?
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1) That my degree would mean nothing without vocational training and on the job experience 2) That you cant get the on the job experience unless you have experience! 3) That if you choose one field to...
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my mum is allergic to cheese made with cow's milk, but not those made with sheep or goat's milk. Can anyone suggest cheeses that she can eat?
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Do exercise bikes really tone up your legs? How about your tum? How long does it take if you cycle about 20 mins 5 days a week?
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is it true that your eyes can change colour depending on which mood u are in???
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If you work 37 hours a week, is that 9-5, cos that is only 35 or 40 if you count a lunch hour?
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Has anyone used their phone advice line and what have you to say about it?! (im in need of some career/job advice and thought they might be worth a go)
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I need something really special for my son's 21st birthday - something he will keep forever. I thought about a bottle of wine from 1985 but he doesn't really like wine - Help
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Just wondered if anyone worked as an appropriate adult? If so, do you get enough hours to make it a full time job? Any info on experiences working in this field would be much appreciated, thankyou x
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I broke a serving bowl recently, glued it back together and put it on the kitchen worktop to set. Although the bowl didn't stick to the worktop, a white mark has appeared on the shiny black surface....
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Not specifically (no full address required), but noticed today that it's not just UK people who are using AB (I'm a bit dim). So what countries/areas do you ABers represent? I'm from North Wales/UK.
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My daughter-in-law has had a terrible skin reaction to face make-up. Her doctor has made an appointment with a dermatologist for her, but it`s a long waiting list. Any suggestions of any...
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hey guys, i went to the vets today to get some flea stuff. they gave me Stronghold for my cat, and a can of Acclaim for the house. Has anyone ever tried any of these products? Are they any good?
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Hi Everyone! Hope your all keeping cool! As some of you may know, we now have some chickens and people have been asking me for eggs (friends and family) I was at first going to just give them away,...
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My friend has an interview thursday at a local college which is for a place on a teacher training certificate of education course to teach NVQ Beauty Therapy. As a highly trained therapist she has...
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Someone has tried (Twice now!) to break into our house, once in broad daylight and once at 11.30 at night. We have an intruder alarm but obviously that doesn't deter them! We have security lights too!...
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does anyone know of any snail derturnets they are eating my pumpkin plants and my roses i would like to know of any natural cures if possible because i have to eat my pumpkins thanks alot
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Does anyone know anywhere I can get offers or vouchers for Alton Towers? My kids want to go but I begrudge having to pay so much, especially as I won't be going on the rides. Thanks

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