How should I word a letter of resignation?
I've never written one before, all my other jobs have been fixed term contracts and this is the first job I've ever hated enough to quit!
I thought it was only a human who did silly things like treading on the brush end and getting the handle in the face ......well it isn't ....ha ha , my dog trod on the yard brush and was really...
I woke up this morning dreaming VERY clearly: I was on a cruise ship where there were also loads os soldiers(!) and one went berserk and in front of me, started to hack peoples heads off and dismember...
How did Victoria get the wound on her head when she was lying on her bed? Why did none of them jump out of the windows when it was only about a 10 foot drop to the ground? How did the old bird next...
Have you ever felt half an inch tall and been so humiliated that you just want to crawl under a stone and die ? How did you cope, what did you do to make yourself feel better ? (I am not talking about...
we're having some folks round for a bonfire & some food. On the savory side we're doing chiili & jacket potatoes, burgers & hotdogs. But I'm not really sure what to do for pudding. It needs to be...
I was channel hopping this evening and noticed that the cable channel 'UKTVG2' is now called Dave. Aside from the fact that I can't decide whether it is a great name or lousy one for a TV. channel, do...
I have been in my new job for three weeks and i'm just getting used to the way things are working. A few days ago, the Directors' P.A came downstairs and had a go at me due to some post being in the...
Is there any way to get onto a lilo elegantly? When I eventually do manage to heave myself onto one, and tucked everything in that has fallen out, I am too scared to move in case I fall off again and...
According to a new survey one in seven women are using cocaine or speed as way to lose weight. Others are taking slimming pills or laxatives to shift extra weight. The survey also found that three out...
Richard Brunstrom, the Chief Constable of North Wales and one of Britain's most senior police officers has called for all drugs ? including heroin and cocaine ? to be legalised....
performance criteria can anyone put me in the right direction on these questions please how do you encourage individuals to engage with others and respond appropriately to express their feelings and...
what are mind games? Have you ever been accused of playing them but didnt understand why ? Im not sure i really understand the nature of them to be honest. Can anyone explain to me please?????
Hello. I've got a sheepskin and cotton numnah (which is a saddlepad for a horse) and I wondered if I could use a traditional washing solution like Fairy to wash it with? I've never washed it before...
Just reading about the death of a pedestrian by a cyclist on the pavement. This has been a bug bear of mine in the past. Why do cyclists think it's fine to cycle in the pavement? Why do the police not...