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We have just moved abroad and cannot get a lot of our favourite foods like we had back home. What would you miss the most. I am missing Bisto Gravy granules and proper biscuits - chocolate digestives...
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My mum set up a building society account in my name without telling me and put ?5,000 into it so that the gov couldnt touch it. She did this without me knowing. I have since had a huge fall out with...
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Why. Every day I cycle to work along a path that I would love to see as green and peaceful. Then there is the discarded beer can, the crisp packet, ruining it all. How much effort does it take to...
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Does anyone know where I can get Philosophy products from, cheaper than the usual retail price, apart from Ebay?
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To set the balance - what do you love most about the UK and what are this country's best features?
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I put this in parenting but always seem to get better response from body and soul so here goes... My 19 yr old son lives with his granddad tues - fri as he works for him. He comes home on a friday...
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Many wishes came true today, as they wouldve read that Grace from BB was punched/kicked and needed 8 stiches. She was apparently trying to stop this guy from hitting her friend and he then hit her,...
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Going to my local Tesco STRESSES ME OUT(!), so I'm thinking about doing my shopping on line. Has anyone tried it? Good? Bad? T.I.A.
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Is there a website that sells perfume and cheaper than the shops?? Thank you
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kevin prescott lives in new zealand and is by far a better chef than gorden ramsey, without the bad language, your comments please! agree or not
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I'm due to have my 20 week scan at the end of October and I'm in two minds whether or not to ask if they can tell the sex. My husband has said from the start he wants to know but I can't make up my...
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pagey hire/5392322.stm at least the judge sympathised - just a shame the token punishment had to be given at all.
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just wanted to let you all know how my son went on at court,well we waited 2hrs then finally went in, it lasted 5mins,they looked at his papers,saw everything was right,and let him off.thankgod for...
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Evey time I see one of these I turn it over and find the rag has been pulled / sewn through hessian or whatever. My grandmother, bn 1880 in London, who went into service in Tunbridge Wells, Kent used...
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Not a question but I just want to tell the world WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO My wife gave birth yesterday to an 8lb 5oz beautiful baby boy called Freddie at the moment because we cant decide on a...
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my bosses firm has gone into liquidation and myself and the other employees were made redundant . he has started again under a new name in the same building and kept us all on but not put us back on...
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Does anyone knows what the above means. The product was offered by the estate agent was told that all Buy to Let mortgage is not regulated by the FSA. Does anyone knows if this is true? Because we...
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Bri's Y
The outside of our conservatory is infested with thousands of these mites, on the walls sills etc. Connot open anywindows as they all pour in for a wander! Do they have a central nest which could be...
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Whats the best thing that you have done for your partner when it was there birthday?
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Hi hope someone can give some advice. My mother-in-law is German but lives here in UK & has done for 40yrs. Her brother has recently died in Germany & apparantly left loads of debt (his estate...

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