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do any of you think you are good looking? Not attractive as I consider them to be different things. Who wakes up daily and doesn't grimace at their reflection? I think as you get older you probably...
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Hello! I wonder if this is a common problem? For as long as I can remember I have had no or a very poor sex drive. Lately I have been thinking it may be because I am on the pill. It is not like I ever...
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its a bit embarrassing but does anyone else get extremely sore?? I dont know why but recently its very painful all over (not particualy during intercourse...) We use KY etc but just say we have sex on...
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If you were on Mastermind,what would your specialist subject be?
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Hi, I'm one of 4 bridesmaids at my friend's wedding in a few weeks. A few months back i bought the most gorgeous dress that I am desperate to wear! It's one of those dresses where you buy it because...
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I've noticed the new directory is on its way so does anyone know when the sale starts? Thanks
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I have seen lots of girls wearing fashionable black and white check scarves around their necks, do they have a particular name or are they just black and white check scarves! They are a bit like...
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You can now have a fine for not displaying "No Smoking" signs on every entrance to your business or workvan. Where do the government get off? Are they trying to generate more revenue...
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My dear friend passed away last week aged 48 years old living behind her 3 childrens who lost their own fathers the same way as their mum. My friends mother was unable to attends the funeral today and...
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perhaps a good thriller......thankyou
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I suffer from intolerable migraines every day and i seem to always have a headache (from mild to moderate), its even worse when i go out. Is it really bad to be getting a migraine every day? Could it...
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Apart from Bravissimo ( of which there are only 13 branches countrywide ) can anyone tell me of anywhere I can purchase bras to accomodate the ' more voluptuous ' amongst us ?? xx
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If you could steal on body part off anyone to replace your own, what whould it be and who's would you steal?
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have u ever had ur photo taken with celebrities/ if so which one/s
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But make perfect sense within the sentence you are saying? On Christmas day, my 4 yr old son was watching my dad drop hot potatoes from one baking tray to the next and he said "Grandad? Why are you...
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What is the silliest thing you have ever done or said? I often find myself having extreme blonde moments. For example: Yesterday I went into town with a list of things to buy and a list of jobs to do....
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Have you ever been anywhere you felt the need to leave straight away? I went to an apparently alternative night on Broad St in Birmingham tonight and it was so awful I left after about ten minutes....
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It has just been mentioned to me that Al-Qaeda could be behind the Suffolk murders. Initially, I thought of it as hogwash but the more i think about it............................ 1) They have picked...
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Anyone met anyone on the internet and ended up having a relationship in real life? Stories please!! I have recently been chatting to someone I have met through a dating site and we are getting on...
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Everyone just write (in the words of Borat) whether you like or don't like the new AB layout/sub sections. Just write "I LIKE" or "I DONT LIKE".

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