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The first of my nights will soon be over so I just thought I would say hi before I knock off at 6.
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just noticed after lots of scratching, that i have about 6 large itchy, sore gnat bites! i've only been shopping! lol You got any?...
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Hiya, This one is driving me mad! It's a list of words without vowels and y's and three words go together to make up a triplet...for example BLL BK CNDL makes bell book candle. WN WMN SNG makes wine...
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Hiya, I am doing what they call a triplets quiz where you are only given the consonants to the words. E.g. RD....GRN....MBR so I conclude that's red green amber. Another example.... WN...WMN....SNG...
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Since changing the battery on my Micra due to it drained, I put the radio code in and it worked ok. Whilt the radio was on the CD unit kept coming up with "CD error" and was making some...
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Hi, Have finally got rid of my Norton's antivirus et al and the PC shop installed AVG8.0 which I'm still getting used to. However, as they installed it on their own network it hasn't registered mine....
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I was wondering if anyone has had PC world repair or update their computer at home? I need someone to come out and look at mine as there are faults on it, had a local person come and look but they...
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Our neighbours smoke and the smell from it comes through into our bathroom (through the floor I must add, not through a window). Try as I might with air fresheners etc etc, I cannot cover or rid the...
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Don't know if I'm in the right section but can anyone please tell me who I would write to with complaints/surveys etc on bad service from Royal Mail (not Royal Mail themselves)? There are many of us...
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i parked in a disabled bay at my local supermarket. i got a ?50 penalty fine. there are no signs up to say you will get a parking fine can they issue a ticket without any signs visible
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Hi, I have totally forgotten how to do this (duh) can anyone help please? I have Windows XP home edition and when I open a window it always comes up half way across the screen, i.e. not expanded. Can...
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Hi, can anyone tell me the cheapest car insurance for an 18 year old girl driver (family member). When she passes her test she will want to get the cheapest but doesn't know where. Any help would be...
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does anybody know how to stop my cats from getting fleas !!!! they have all got flea collers, I have used flea powder, the frontline drops from the vet, sprays, herbal collers, even some flea pills...
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Hi, I wonder if anyone can point me in the direction of a comprehensive list of everyday prices for the UK of (food, consumables, wages, house prices etc) for the year 1957. Have been searching on the...
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My budgie who is 4 yrs old has chronic liver disease with all the associated problems of that (gut probs etc) and scratching round vent lots as per usual. The vet has given me Fuciderm (which is for...
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hi i have a 6 year old female who has been really getting ill over the past two weeks she started off having watery poops then she couldnt stand on her right leg she was constantly opening and...
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I wonder if anyone can help me here please. I need to find prices of ordinary things for the UK in 1946 and 1947 (would be handy for other years gone by too). Things like, bread, milk, beer,...
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I need to find all sorts of prices from the years 1946 and 1946 in the UK, things like common foodstuffs, bread, butter, milk etc etc, also wages and really anything to do with those two years. Is it...
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Based on characters in the Bible, can you work them out from the clues below? Would be great if someone could thank you. 1 - One rung and then a layer for this hero 2 - Scots chap on his own 3 - A...
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Hi everyone, someone sent me one of these puzzles that they couldn't get the answers to and I've been wracking my brains with no luck but would love to know the answers. Does anyone have a clue...

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