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So GMTV have been fined ?2 million by Ofcom for fraudulent phone in practices. Who do they pay the money to?
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I know this isn't probably the correct section for this question but I find this topic to get more answers. I'm looking to find out which episode of Hale and Pace feature one of them singing a song...
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so its keith flint of the prodigys birthday today. how doi you think he celebrates it? does he have a banging party noising up the neighbourhood or a quite tea party for his friends and family?
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I.Don No
anyone got any ideas on the best and cheapest company to go for to do the above?
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Knowing theres only 99 days til christmas :)
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Oh that poor young girl on tonights show , wearing that gown her father made specially . She couldn't sing for toffee so why on earth couldn't her pushy parents spare her the embarassment ?
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I once watched an episode of GMTV I think it was in the morning a long time ago and a couple of people on their were demonstrating how strong they were due to something they'd done. To show this one...
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Does anyone have any good ideas for a Halloween party involving 4/5 years olds?
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My partner split up with his wife nearly 2 years ago, when he left, he left the family car. It was registered in his name with personal plates. She would not allow him to take any documents with him...
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Have just aquired a Gillette Fusion...After a lot of umming and erring I got one on sale at the local superdrug for half price. This is a serious piece of kit and can probably do some pretty nasty...
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I've got a stinker of a cold right now, the sort with lots of yukky phlegm. I haven't had any food since Friday and the thought of eating makes be barf. I'm even gagging when I clean my teeth. I'm...
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c0ck, but on the other hand it's very big!
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Anyone out there make their own kebabs? Mincing lamb mixing it with spices and slicing it off the lump. Surely someones tried it?
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I've been wanting a Smart Car for years now and am quite close to being able to get one. I know that they are really cheap to run and insure etc. but I'm worried that if something goes wrong, repairs...
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AB Asks
A couple have spent the last 20 years living in Travelodges and are to have a room named after them. The 79 and 70 year olds have spent close to ?100,000, but see the lack of bills, cooking or other...
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paul 1
this one is for the ladies but guys feel free to comment. split up with my g/f about 2 monhts ago after 2 years and thought ok move on. if you love some one then let them go. started going out more...
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I have an old mini cooper which I bought a few months back .I've done quite a lot on it but the trouble is with the engine.Lately after a total overhaul I took it for a spin and the car could hardly...
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Does anyone know if doing the weightwatchers diet of point counting whilst pregnant is ok?
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I remember a movie that I saw a few years ago about a guy and his family, and he was being stalked by this woman...can't remember much else. I think there was a confrontation at the end and she died...
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grizzly bear
Can anyone tell me why VCR's clock is going wrong? No matter how many times I reset it after a few days it is about 5 minutes slow again. The rest of the functions seem to be ok. Thanks in advance

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